Book Review/पुस्तक समीक्षा
A book review is a description and a critical evaluation of a book. It gives a summary of the content and assesses the value of the book focusing on the book's purpose, contents, and authority.Please submit Book review you have just completed.
Name of the Book/पुस्तक का नाम *
Author/Editor of the book/लेखक /संपादक का नाम *
Name of the Publisher/प्रकाशक का नाम *
Place of publication/ प्रकाशन का स्थान *
Library Accession No./पुस्तकालय परिग्रहण संख्या
Book reviewed by(Name)/समीक्षक (नाम) *
Class/Section/Post/कक्षा /अनुभाग *
About the Book/कथानक *
What was your favorite /least favorite part of the book?
Did you like the book (Yes/No) Why? *
Which characters you liked the most? Why? *
If you could change something in the book, what would it be?(If you wish you could change the ending.
Theme /Idea /Moral of the book Story. *
Would you recommend this book to another person? *
What type of person would like this book?
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